
Monday, August 30, 2010

Verizon Mifi

I have a Verizon Mifi that works preaty well. i have a five gb data plan that cost $60 a month do a little pricy but the speed is good. I my house i get 800 kbps download. The battery life is good. I have an iPod Touch and i have it on in my pocket when I need it. So the thing is about the size of three credit cards. So, If you are on the road a lot, then I would highly recommend it. I spent an hour of just normal computing and it works just fine.

Add your own comments in the comments section.

Samsung Sch-i730

I have the samsung sch-i730. I am reltivaly happy with it. It is an ancient phone though. Here is an discription:

The good: Five-way wireless support (IrDA, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, CDMA 1xRTT, and EV-DO); speakerphone; comfortable slide-out QWERTY thumb keyboard; two batteries included; excellent third-party software support.
The bad: No support for modem use with a laptop; Wi-Fi and phone can't work simultaneously; Wi-Fi is a battery hog; no camera in initial Verizon release.
The bottom line: Small, light, and powerful, the Samsung SCH-i730's high-speed data support and built-in Bluetooth and Wi-Fi make it an excellent choice for those who have to stay connected at all times, though the crippled Bluetooth support may spoil the party for laptop road warriors.
The Samsung SCH-i730 for Verizon Wireless manages a pretty impressive feat: It shrinks a Windows Mobile-based smart phone into a form factor that actually fits comfortably in your pants pocket and includes broadband wireless, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, a built-in keyboard, and a speedy processor. Despite some irritating quirks in its wireless support, the Samsung i730 stays in the running for the "Treo killer" title.The Samsung SCH-i730 is much smaller than typical Windows Mobile-based handhelds; only the diminutive I-mate Jam is smaller, but the Jam lacks the i730's keyboard and Wi-Fi support. In fact, other than being slightly thicker, the i730 is virtually identical in size to Palm's popular Treo 650. At 2.28 by 0.97 by 4.49 inches and 6.4 ounces, the i730 is close in size to other Windows Mobile-based smart phones, but it has the touch screen and the full Windows Mobile application compatibility that many smart phones lack.

What do you think? Post it in the comments:)


Is the iPad worth the $500? Some say yes and some say no. I have heard that under intense gaming, the battery will last 11 1/2 hrs. What do you say? Personally the 3g plans are priced very well since i have a Verizon Mifi and it cost $60 a month. The iPad cost $30 a  month for the same data plans.