
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New blogs


So I have two more blogs that I would like you to check out. Here is one.

It's called "App Finder". Here is the line:

And here is "My Life". Here is the link:


Lejf    Rossi

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Please help me get more encouraged buy telling you friends about this blog. This blog really a bug part about me. I looked on some stats, and I found out that I have had a page view from Germany and Italy. Now that's cool.
But also having a big audience. So, if you like this blog, then send them a link to this blog. Than I can get more gadgets to review.

New iPod touch case

Alright. So, last Saturday I dropped my brand spanking new ipod. I just slopped out of my hand. So, I got a new one but this one I got a grip case and now it actually stays in my hand.

Thanks so much for reading. Remember, it will help my a lot if you tell your friends about this!! That I might do more reviews!! :-) :-)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Windows 7

I have not tried windows 7 but from the things that I here, Its a polished version of windows vista. People also say that is faster. I need that :-)

So, to wrap things up, If you have windows vista and it is to slow. Get windows 7. If you have a super computer and windows vista runs fast enough, keep it. after all it is just a polished version of vista



This is ping:

Not very exiting if you ask me. Facebook is a little better. Now I am not an apple hater. I have been wanting a mac for a few years, but really? Ping. Just another version on Facebook.

iTunes 10

iTunes 10. Really? Its nothing. Just a new logo and Ping. I have it on windows. Let me tell you, It is slow. Unless you have a super computer, don't expect it to work like google chrome.

Just Ping.

Monday, September 20, 2010

iPod Shuffle

Ahhhhhhh. The iPod Shuffle. I don't get it. I mean its just $50. But still. Here is a pic:

It just has the features of the last 2 generation of ipod.

So, there you have it! :-)

iPod Nano

This is the old ipod nano:

This iPod has a video camera,  pedometer, and Nike+iPod witch I would think uses Bluetooth. So maybe Bluetooth.


This is the new iPod Nano

It has the muli-touch display, a clip but no video camera. Its good but I would go with the new one.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New iPod Touch

Well the new iPod touch has 2 camera's. On on the back that is 8 mega pixes and the front one is 1.3 mega pixles for facetime. It has a built in mic for the Face time feature. It has the retina display. And it cost $30 more than the original ipod touch. so $230 for the 8 gb. I will get the 32 for $400.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

iPhone OS 4.02

The iPhone OS 4.0.2 have a few bug fixed to the reception problem. (At least that is what apple said.) I have herd that it does not. It just makes the signal bars go down faster. And by the way, There is no Jailbreak on That is the offical iPod Touch and iPhone jailbreaking website. Here is what is looks like:

The gameboy advance SP

The gameboy advance SP is an nintendo gameboy that is very sturdy. I have had it for a few years and it is still working. It is all scratched up and stuff but it still works. It take little memory cards and the graphics isn't the best but then it is also old. The battery life is pretty good.