
Sunday, October 31, 2010

The new Mackbook Air

Wow. That is all I could say. I would like one but I am only 12 years old. The battery life is great and just WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW. That is all  I can say.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Hey Guys,

Check out this video of me. I have an email address for you to ask me questions. It is thanks!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


hey Guys,

So I would like to do a Q&A. So, it you gave computer questions just send them to me at Eery one in a while I will create a podcast and post it on this blog.

Friday, October 1, 2010


So I got this thing called evernote. It works really well! It is a app that you can get for the iPhone, iPad, windows mobile, android, blackberry, palm pre and last but not lease, iPod touch. It's an app that syncs up you mobile device(s) and you computer to the Internet. So make a note on your phone? No problem! Evernote have it on the web for easy access everywhere you go. Its free to with growing data plan.


Ps: (I originally wrote this post on evernote for the iPod touch.)